Please watch and share our video:
The wonderful Jac Juggling has agreed to supply juggling balls, diabolos and spinning plates for use during JustPlay’s project in Ghana. Here are links to their website & Facebook page:
The Rio in Dalston has kindly donated a couple of film tickets for the raffle at the Fun’Raiser. All power to them!
Please see the Fun’Raiser page for details of JustPlay’s extraordinary Pop-up Bijoux Micro-Festi on Saturday 8th October.
Jo & Jake, Just Play, are back from Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). They took part in the 1st Yangon International Juggling Festival organised by The Serious Fun Committee. Highlights included gala shows to thousands, community shows and workshops with kids, cabaret shows in 50th Street Bar and Union Bar and meeting up with old friends. See Serious Fun in Yangon on Facebook for loads of photos.